Thoughts on Journaling | 365 QwR 216-220

Do people still write journals these days? I do! On paper, on my note taking app, and on my voice recorder apps. Oh, this podcast is some sort of a journal, too. What works for you? What are your thoughts on journaling?
Do people still write journals these days? I do! On paper, on my note taking app, and on my voice recorder apps. Oh, this podcast is some sort of a journal, too. What works for you? What are your thoughts on journaling?

Meanwhile, below are the questions I answered in this episode:
  • If you had to move 3000 miles away, what one thing would you miss the most?
  • What worries you about the future?
  • What one ‘need’ and one ‘want’ will you strive to achieve in the next twelve months?
  • What life lessons did you have to experience firsthand before you fully understood them?
  • Do you like the city or town you live in?  Why or why not?